List of my scientific books and publications in peer-review journals and at conferences

You find a list of my publications together with my citation metrics at Google scholar. Alternatively I also provide a list with links to local pdf-files below. I try to update this list regularly, but apparently Google might be more efficient than me in this regard.
Books and Book Chapters
- A. Trügler
Optical Properties of Metallic Nanoparticles: Basic Principles and Simulation
Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 232 (2016)
ISBN: 978-3-319-25072-4 (Print), 978-3-319-25074-8 (Online)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25074-8
- L. Dutkiewicz, Y. Miadzvetskaya, H. Ofe, A. Barnett, L. Helminger, S. Lindstaedt, A. Trügler
Privacy preserving techniques for trustworthy data sharing, in Data Spaces - Design, Deployment and Future Directions
Springer Cham, 2022
ISBN: ISBN 978-3-030-98635-3
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-98636-0_15
- L. Demelius, M. Jantscher, A. Trügler
AI and Ethics in Healthcare
to be published by Narr Francke Attempto in 2024
- U. Hohenester, A. Trügler, T. Feichtner, and D. Masiello
Simulations and modeling for nanooptical spectroscopy
to be published by DeGruyter in 2024
Submitted (under review)
S. Scher, A. Trügler, E. Schlager, F. Schalamon, J. Abermann
Challenges of using Statistics and Explainable AI for understanding the connection between large scale variables and local conditions - a feasibility study
submitted (2024).
F. Meisingseth, L. Demelius, E. Dolezal, T. Gremsel, C. Rechberger, A. Trügler
Towards ethics-based evaluation of differential privacy guarantees
submitted (2024).
L. Demelius, R. Kern, A. Trügler
Recent Advances of Differential Privacy in Centralized Deep Learning: A Systematic Survey
submitted (2023). (arXiv)
R. Walch, S. Soussa, L. Helminger, C. Rechberger, A. Trügler
CryptoTL - Privacy-Preserving Transfer Learning
submitted, arXiv:2205.11935 [cs.CR] (2023). (arXiv)
S. Scher, B. Geiger, S. Kopeinik, A. Trügler and D. Kowald
A conceptual model for leaving the data-centric approach in machine learning
submitted (2023).
S. Sousa, A. Trügler, R. Kern
Assessing the impact of differential privacy in transfer learning with deep neural networks and transformer language models
to appear in Neural Computing and Applications (2024).
A. Trügler, L. Weissberg
Der Spion, der aus Berlin kam: Benjamin Veitel Ephraims geheime Briefen über die Französische Revolution und ihre Entzifferung
to appear in FBPG (2024).
K.L. Kapper, T. Goelles, S. Muckenhuber, A. Trügler, J. Abermann, B. Schlager, C. Gaisberger, J. Grahn, E. Malnes, A. Prokop, W. Schöner
Automated snow avalanche monitoring for Austria: state-of-the-art and roadmap for future work
Front. Remote Sens. 4:1156519 (2023). (Frontiers)
J. Abermann, B. Vandecrux, S. Scher, K. Löffler, F. Schalamon, A. Trügler, R. Fausto, and W. Schöner
Learning from Alfred Wegener’s pioneering field observations in West Greenland after a century of climate change
Sci Rep 13, 7583 (2023). (Nature)
S. Scher, S. Kopeinik, A. Trügler, and D. Kowald
Modelling the long-term fairness dynamics of data-driven targeted help on job seekers
Sci Rep 13, 1727 (2023). (Nature)
S. Scher and A. Trügler
Testing robustness of predictions of trained classifiers against naturally occurring perturbations
submitted, arXiv:2204.10046 [cs.LG] (2022). (arXiv)
B. Bell, A. Trügler
An execution-based side-channel attack on cloud-based superconducting quantum computers
2022 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), 259-264. (QCE)
G. Unger, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester
Novel Modal Approximation Scheme for Plasmonic Transmission Problems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 246802 (2018). (PDF) (PRL)
U. Hohenester, A. Trügler, P. E. Batson, and M. J. Lagos
Inelastic vibrational bulk and surface losses of swift electrons in ionic nanostructures
Phys. Rev. B 97, 165418 (2018). (PDF) (PRB)
M. J. Lagos, A. Trügler, V. Amarasinghe, L. C. Feldman, U. Hohenester, and P. E. Batson
Excitation of long wavelength surface optical vibrational modes in films and cubes using an atom-sized electron beam
Microscopy, 1-11 (2018). (PDF) (Micro.)
- G. Haberfehlner, F. P. Schmidt, G. Schaffernak, A. Hörl, A. Trügler, A. Hohenau, J. R. Krenn, U. Hohenester, G. Kothleitner
3D imaging of gap plasmons in vertically coupled nanoparticles by EELS tomography
Nano Lett. 17, 6773-6777 (2017). (PDF) (Nano Lett.)
A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, and F. J. García de Abajo
Plasmonics simulations including nonlocal effects using a boundary element method approach
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 31, 1740007 (2017). (PDF) (IJMPB)
A. Hörl, G. Haberfehlner, A. Trügler, F. Schmidt, U. Hohenester, and G. Kothleitner
Tomographic reconstruction of the photonic environment of plasmonic nanoparticles
Nature Communications 8, 37 (2017). (PDF) (Nat. Com.)
M. Lagos, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, P. Batson
Mapping vibrational surface and bulk modes in a single nanocube
Nature 543, 529-532 (2017). (PDF) (Nature)
M. Krug, G. Schaffernak, M. Belitsch, M. Gašparić, V. Leitgeb, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, J. R. Krenn, and A. Hohenau
Mapping the local particle plasmon sensitivity with a scanning probe
Nanoscale 8, 16449 (2016). (PDF) (Nanoscale)
D. Knebl, A. Hörl, A. Trügler, J. Kern, J. R. Krenn, P. Puschnig, and U. Hohenester
Gap plasmonics of silver nanocube dimers
Phys. Rev. B 93, 081405(R) (2016). (PDF) (PRB)
V. Häfele, A. Trügler, S. Stefan, M. Krug, U. Hohenester, A. Hohenau, A. Leitner, and J. R. Krenn
Three dimensional sensitivity characterization of plasmonic nanorods as refractometric biosensors
Nanoscale 8, 2974 (2016). (PDF) (Nanoscale)
F. P. Schmidt, H. Ditlbacher, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, A. Hohenau, F. Hofer, and J. R. Krenn
Plasmon modes of a silver thin film taper probed with STEM-EELS
Opt. Lett. 40, 5670-5673 (2015). (PDF) (Opt. Lett.)
G. Haberfehlner, A. Trügler, F. P. Schmidt, A. Hörl, F. Hofer, U. Hohenester, and G. Kothleitner
Correlated 3D nanoscale mapping and simulation of coupled plasmonic nanoparticles
Nano Lett. 15, 7726 (2015). (PDF) (Nano Lett.)
A. Hörl, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester
Full three-dimensonal reconstruction of the dyadic Green tensor from electron energy loss spectroscopy of plasmonic nanoparticles
ACS Photonics 2, 1429 (2015). (PDF) (ACS)
J. Kern, A. Trügler, I. Niehues, J. Ewering, R. Schmidt, R. Schneider, S. Najmaei, A. George,
J. Lou, U. Hohenester, S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos, and R. Bratschitsch
Nanoantenna-enhanced light-matter interaction in atomically thin WS2
ACS Photonics, 2 1260-1265, (2015). (PDF) (ACS)
J. Waxenegger, A. Trügler, and U. Hohenester
Plasmonics simulations with the MNPBEM toolbox: Consideration of substrates and layer structures
Comp. Phys. Commun. 193, 138-150 (2015). (PDF) (CPC)
V. Häfele, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, A. Hohenau, A. Leitner, and J. R. Krenn
Local refractive index sensitivity of gold nanodisks
Optics Express 23, 10293 (2015). (PDF) (Opt. Exp.)
C. Gruber, A. Hirzer, V. Schmidt, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, H. Ditlbacher, A. Hohenau, and J. R. Krenn
Imaging nanowire plasmon modes with two-photon polymerization
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 081101 (2015). (PDF) (APL)
J. Ebner, A. Trügler, and U. Hohenester
Optical excitations of hybrid metal-semiconductor nanoparticles
Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 11 (2015). (PDF) (EPJB)
Xiuli Zhou, A. Hörl, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, T. B. Norris, and A. A. Herzing
Effect of multipole excitations in electron energy-loss spectroscopy of surface plasmon modes in silver nanowires
J. Appl. Phys. 116, 233101 (2014). (PDF) (JAP)
M. Krug, M. Reisecker, A. Hohenau, H. Ditlbacher, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, and J. R. Krenn
Probing plasmonic breathing modes optically
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 171103 (2014). (PDF) (APL)
B. Goris, G. Guzzinati, C. Fernández-López, J. Pérez-Juste, L. M. Liz-Marzan,
A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, J. Verbeeck, S. Bals, and G. Van Tendeloo
Plasmon Mapping in Au@Ag Nanocube Assemblies
J. Chem. Phys. C 118, 15356 (2014). (PDF) (JCP)
A. Trügler, J.-C. Tinguely, G. Jakopic, U. Hohenester, J.R. Krenn, and A. Hohenau
Near-field and SERS enhancement from rough plasmonic nanoparticles
Phys. Rev. B 89, 165409 (2014). (PDF) (PRB)
C. Huber, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, Y. Prior, and W. Kautek
Optical near-field excitation at commercial scanning probe microscopy tips: A theoretical and experimental investigation
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 2289, Advance Article (2014). (PDF) (PCCP)
R. Schütky, C. Ertler, A. Trügler, and U. Hohenester
Surface plasmons in doped topological insulators
Phys. Rev. B 88, 195311 (2013). (PDF) (PRB)
C. Gruber, A. Trügler, A. Hohenau, U. Hohenester, and J. R. Krenn
Spectral modifications and polarization dependent coupling in tailored assemblies of quantum dots and plasmonic nanowires
Nano Letters 13, 4257-4262 (2013). (PDF) (Nano Lett.)
A. Hörl, A. Trügler, and U. Hohenester
Tomography of particle plasmon fields from electron energy loss spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 076801 (2013). (PDF) (PRL)
P. Dombi, A. Hörl, P. Rácz, I. Márton, A. Trügler, J. R. Krenn, and U. Hohenester
Ultrafast hot-electron emission from plasmonic nanoparticles
Nano Letters 13, 674 (2013). (PDF) (Nano Lett.)
P. Dombi, A. Hörl, P. Rácz, I. Márton, A. Trügler, J. R. Krenn, and U. Hohenester
Ultrafast hot-electron emission from plasmonic nanoparticles
Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), IEEE 2013.
T. Hanke, J. Cesar, V. Knittel, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, A. Leitenstorfer, and R. Bratschitsch
Tailoring spatiotemporal light confinement in single plasmonic nanoantennas
Nano Letters 12, 992 (2012). (PDF) (Nano Lett.)
U. Hohenester and A. Trügler
MNPBEM - A Matlab toolbox for the simulation of plasmonic nanoparticles
Comp. Phys. Commun. 183, 370 (2012). (PDF) (CPC)
A. Jakab, Y. Khalavka, J. Becker, A. Trügler, C. Rosman, U. Hohenester, and C. Sönnichsen
Highly sensitive plasmonic silver nanorods
ACS Nano 5, 6880 (2011). (PDF) (ACS Nano)
J. Waxenegger, A. Trügler, and U. Hohenester
Mapping exciton wavefunctions in semiconducting carbon nanotubes with plasmonic nanoparticles
Phys. Rev. B 83, 245446 (2011). (PDF) (Phys. Rev.)
A. Trügler, J.-C. Tinguely, J. Krenn, A. Hohenau, and U. Hohenester
Influence of surface roughness on the optical properties of plasmonic nanoparticles
Phys. Rev. B 83, 081412 (R) (2011). (PDF) (Phys. Rev.)
D. Koller, U. Hohenester, A. Hohenau, H. Ditlbacher, F. Reil, N. Galler, F. Aussenegg, A. Leitner, A. Trügler, and J. Krenn
Superresolution Moire mapping of particle plasmon modes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 143901 (2010). (PDF) (Phys. Rev. Lett.)
J. Becker, A. Trügler, A. Jakab, U. Hohenester, and C. Sönnichsen
The optimal aspect ratio of gold nanorods for plasmonic bio-sensing
Plasmonics 5, 161 (2010). (PDF) (SpringerLink)
B. Schaffer, U. Hohenester, A. Trügler, and F. Hofer
High-resolution surface plasmon imaging of gold nanoparticles by energy filtered transmission electron microscopy
Phys. Rev. B 79, 041401(R) (2009). (PDF) (Phys. Rev.)
A. Trügler and U. Hohenester
Strong coupling between a metallic nanoparticle and a single molecule
Phys. Rev. B 77, 115403 (2008). (PDF) (Phys. Rev.)
U. Hohenester and A. Trügler
Interaction of single molecules with metallic nanoparticles
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 14, 1430 (2008). (PDF)