
Andreas Trügler

Details about my work and research.


FFG Comet Module DDAI - Data-Driven, Explainable, Privacy-Preserving AI

Andreas Trügler

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DDAI Module

In close collaboration with all research areas at Know-Center I’m currently working as project leader of the DDAI Comet Module. It is a large research project with nine PhD positions and focusses on privacy-preserving, explainable, data-driven AI.

The project combines our expertise on machine learning with modern cryptographic methods, visualization analytics and data management. We cooperate with industrial partners like AVL, AT&S, IoV42, and Magna and this project is also embedded in a strong international scientific network with partners from four different universities.

The project is funded with 4 Mio. Euros and runs from 2020 until 2023. Check out our project website for more information.

Research Interests


I'm a scientist and researcher working on privacy-preserving machine learning applications.